Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Long Straw

our very good friends
Dave and Lin
came over
for a fun filled (?)
day with soap
garden tools.

scrubbed, washed and polished
our C8

and now it looks new!

Tony and Lin worked in the garden

Flowers popped when weeds were plucked!

Through all the
bending, twisting, yanking and pulling
of weeds,
did not complain,
not ONCE!
(I had to have a cup of tea after watching her work)

Lin kept a steady pace
what some only dream
(''some'' meaning me and this really wore me out)

Frankie, as usual, had to participate!

I think I drew the long straw...

I picked these gorgeous raspberries...
there may have been more
than what you see here.
I may have done some tasting during picking.
(but I'm not saying.)

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