Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bravo Elsie!

Paris, juin 1900

Le jour se lève sur une petite impasse de la Butte Montmartre. C'est qu'une bande de gosses orphelins a élu domicile. S'ils sont abandonnés à leur sort, ils n'en sont pas moins débrouillards et luttent jour après jour pour échapper à leur condition d'enfants enchainés au travail de l'atelier ou de l'usine....Luer rencontre avec trois enfants de la bourgeoisie va leur permettre d'entrevoir un autre avenur : Guignolet (un homme aux multiples talents) pourra peut-être les aider ? Nul doute que leur courage et leur amitié triompheront de tout !

Elsie's first school play....
in French, of course.
The program is another reminder to me:
study study learn learn practice practice

directrice d'école
checks the audio
welcomes the audience
this, I could figure out

cast enters

and I wait
somewhat impatiently
for the appearance
of my Star Elsie

you know, I don't even really care
what she is saying
I am beaming
with delight
to see Elsie
up front and center stage
think that is a spotlight on her face?
think again.

yeah, that's my girl
what a natural!

tell her off Elsie!
if that's what is happening here...
only those with a command of the French language knew for sure

Pam: hey, look dear, those are our cups on stage!
Tony: they are?
Pam: yeah...there's your metal camping mug
Tony: MY mug? She has one of MY mugs?
Pam: seems so.
Tony: do you think we'll ever see it again?
Pam: doubtful. very doubtful. I'll take a photo...

Pam: um, dear, is that your top hat?
Tony: it IS my top hat!
Pam: say no more, I'll take a photo...

The wee ones dream of their future on stage...

Was it that long ago when Elsie had the same dream?

I think
Elsie is expressing
an intelligent thought

but I'm not sure...
have I mentioned my French stinks?

Pam: oh, dear, oh dear, oh, dear...
Tony: What? YES! That IS my other top hat!
Pam: and now we have it on film, dear.

The play ends with the cast
tossing their hats
(and the hats that used to belong to Tony but you know we'll never see those again)

a little dancing
a lot of cheering
an American Mom
(guess who!)
Bravo Elsie!!!


Anonymous said...

I felt like I was right there!!!
Absolutely marvelous. . . I'll be smiling all day thinking about it--the "familiar" cups and hats--the bright and dramatic colors--
but mostly Elsie and her attitude--
it shined through! She is indeed a "natural".

Anonymous said...

Une étoile est née....


Anonymous said...

Oh the laughter and joy being felt across the ocean - so far, yet so near. This is a time in your lives that will be remembered always and forever. Elsie, I'm sure you learned a lot about acting from watching your Mom and I doing our skit for you. Remember...the brush, the teeth polishing, the deoderant, and yes, the laugher. You can thank us later. :)
Hats off to all of you! XXOO LU

Anonymous said...

How nice to be young...

Elsie looks like she had a good time!