Thursday, September 11, 2008

Token American?

This evening a newspaper reporter came to my home and interviewed me: Token American. Are there no other Americans in this 'hood? Apparently not. Or, unknown. Word has, apparently, gone around that I am here. hmmmm.
The interview lasted nearly two hours. I was questioned about American politicians and, of course, The Election.
The article will be printed in two weeks. Below are a few interview questions. The answers may or may not be actual responses. You will have to wait for the published article to find out! Until then, I give you this:
Q: Who do you think will be the next President?
A: Do I look like a Fortune Teller?
Q: In France, at the last election, many people stated they would vote for Ségolène Royal but changed their mind at the last moment and voted for Nicolas Sarkozy. Do you think Americans will do the same thing - Obama supporters going to McCain or vice versa?
A: Are you serious?
Q: Is Bush truly stupid?
A: You have to ask?
Let's hope my photo is good............................

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