American Elections in November
Words of Americans
McCain? He is worse than Bush!
When I say to the French that I am American, I feel first a hesitation in response. But when they understand that I am not pro-Bush, they give me a lot of kisses, relates Pam Roadknight.
I do not believe the French are anti-Americans. I believe they do not like the politics, the current administration. I don't know if Bush is the worst ever American president. I do know he is the worst one in my lifetime. And you wonder why I live in France!
This ''chevalier de la route'' (Roadknight), native of Minnesota stopped her route at St Martin sur Oust three years ago. I have had a vacation house near Rennes for many years. Visiting Brittany led us to living here. I like the lifestyle, the climate, the economy and the education system for my daughter.
Trade chemical dependency counselor, Pam has no intention to return to live in the United States. I enjoy traveling in Brittany and throughout France. I am happy being here. My difficulty is not having family and friends near. Fortunately they visit and we have the internet available to stay in contact. My greatest challenge is learning the French language. I do take courses but I find it difficult. If my French were better, I would find it easier to expand relationships with French people.
Tonight is September 11 2008. In this conversation, her eyes are sad, remembering seven years ago, explaining her morning of September 11 2001. I was in my car driving to work, listening to the radio. As usual, the traffic was heavy. When I heard the news, traffic slowed considerably and I remember looking at other drivers, others looking at me. I remember the expressions of disbelief. Traffic continued to slow down. It was just, clearly, shocking.
The official version of the terrorist attacks is sometimes different. Why? I want to remember how this tragedy united Americans, particularly those living in New York. How others remember it, I can’t explain that. No matter what official versions are, or are not, September 11 was, in a word, horrendous.
On the internet, Pam gets information regarding the presidential elections. She consults the programs of the two presidential candidates, the news, the polls. McCain is worse than Bush! I wonder how one can even consider this candidate in 2008. Haven’t we had enough?
In France, it often is said that the rest of the world does not interest the Americans. True? I think there are, unfortunately, some Americans that have a myopic view of the world. I found that international news was sometimes limited in the media. And although many more Americans are traveling and seeing more of the world today, there are still some that never leave America and/or have little interest in the rest of the world. It’s hard to make a blanket statement about that. I know it’s an impression the world has of Americans and that’s a hard impression to change when it carries a bit of truth.
In the secret of the voting booth, some French voters were able to vote in favor of Nicolas Sarkozy, against Royal Ségolène, because she is a woman. Can one imagine the same happening because of the skin color of Obama? For the undecided voter, in my opinion, yes. For example, if I’m not sure of who to vote for, and I’m not informed about the issues, I will probably vote for what I do know: a white male. I believe that the supporters of both candidates, the strong supporters, will not change their vote in the privacy of that booth.
Will a new president bring change in the world? I think there will be change but what, how and who - we have to wait and see. Every president has brought about some good, and some bad. Although off the top of my head I can’t think of a ''something good'' Bush has done. I hope there will be change. And I hope it will be world-wide good.