Saturday, November 29, 2008

Half Full

Mom and Cy are now on their way back to Minnesota and I imagine they are:

1) relaxing comfortably on the plane
2) dining on fine cuisine
3) enjoying the USA Today newspaper

I have to imagine it this way because their trip to France included:

1) seats that did not recline AND located next to the toilets
2) rubbish food (at best)
3) no sleep (see 1 and 2)

Can we all give the raspberries to Northwest Airlines?

Never mind. We had a wonderful time! It didn't matter where we went or what we did, just being was the best! Cooler temps and rain - good ol' Brittany rain - simpy brought us next to the fireplace more often. Books were read and stories were told. We laughed a lot (note to Cy: do tell us when you take Mom to the bank, okay?) and we ate enough to shock Weight Watchers into an emergency meeting. We were together for my birthday (me me me!) and we celebrated Thanksgiving with some food from England but who knew? Who cared? Elsie decorated the Christmas tree with Grandma...two talented artists alone with tinsel and baubles...imagine that!
I must say a big hurrah and heaps of gratitude to all the family and friends of expats (especially MY family and friends because this is all about me really, isn't it?) for spending a ridiculous amount of money and long hours of travel to be with us.
I have many days as an expat when I feel the glass is half empty because my closest relationships are many miles and too many hours away from me. But - and it's what comes after the 'but' that counts - when family is here that glass is, indeed, Half Full.


Jules said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous time! I am so happy to see you posting again, I must have missed the move...

Anonymous said...

You were right about the USA Today--we read every word! Just read your posting to Cy and he laughed at the bank joke. Well, at least it's stopped the "Shady Pines" reminders!
Our glass is indeed half full with good memories of being with you.

Anonymous said...

What a great description as only you can do it! You have a great style, Pam! Your sense of humor has been the same since you were born! :-) The NWA trip was so typical that I laughed and cried when I read it! Well, maybe not real tears, but I almost fell off the chair laughing.

I'm so glad you had such a nice, relaxing time. I know your mom was thrilled with everything. It meant the world to her.

xxx and ooo . . . Auntie Beatsy