Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blondinette, c'est moi

A natural brunette
growing white
highlighted blond
blondinette, c'est moi !

This morning as I watched my brunette-white and washed-out blond hair being swept up and combed into the coloring process, I remembered my first appointment here at Mod'Coiffure.

I was scared...but not for my hair as one might be the first time at a salon. My fear was strongly rooted (pun intended) in my lack of French words. I held on tightly to my often practiced facial expressions and sinuous hand gestures....those are almost fluent! I managed that appointment with my homespun sign language and a few simple, very simple, words.

Today, over 2 years later, conversation at Mod'Coiffure remains limited for me, but, I have a feeling of ease now and No Fear. I have also accepted that learning French is a slow process for me, any progress is progress and facial expressions will always be useful.

Next language challenge:

The dentist on Friday.
What is mmmabbubbhuhuhhhaaahhhhh in French?

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